Sample Writing Task 1
  • January 6, 2023
  • admin
Development of the Horse

The graphical diagram depicts the evolutionary development of horse with particular emphasis on the changing foot structure over a period of 40 million years. The diagram includes the 3 predecessors for the modern horse. Eohippus, Mesohippus & Merychippus.

It is crystal clear from the diagram that he earliest predecessor is Eohippus which existed 40 million years ago, whereas the Merychippus existed just before the modern horse 15 million years back. Moreover it can also be seen that Eohippus, had a similar foot structure with differentiated 4 fingers and human like structure whereas the evolutionary modern horse had a much different singular foot with different joint structure. Furthermore can also be seen the Merychippus and Mesohippus were physically not very distinct in size and shape. They also shared a similar foot structure as well with 3 fingers. On the other hand Eohippus is much smaller in size as compare to its successors. Analyzing the diagram, it can be said that the modern horse is largest in size having a very distinguished unified foot structure known as hoof. It can be said that since the first distinct specie of horse 40 million years ago there has been a gradual evolution in the species i.e. increase in size, distinguished head and ears, a larger tail, unified foot structure which all led to the modern horse.

Word Count: 222

Haren Chaudhary 
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